Humans2Venus Foundation is a US-domiciled 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to exploring Venus as a potential long-term destination for humanity.
Our mission is to create the largest global community of general and professional Venus enthusiasts.
Currently, the there are two constituent parts to Humans2Venus Foundation:

Public Outreach
The means by which we aim to reach the general public and anyone that has an interest in Venus or making humanity a multi-planet species. Below are the activities that we are currently pursuing or will be in the near future:
Monthly e-newsletter
YouTube channel
Social media
Media relations
Speaking engagements

Private Community
Members stem from our wider global community - all of whom have expressed an interest in contributing to our initiatives and helping to realise our vision of promoting Venus as a potential long term destination for humanity. We provide access to the following opportunities for our private community:
Monthly Venus Speaker Series - virtual sessions where esteemed guest speakers from our community share exclusive Venus-focused research and insights.
Venus Summits - semi-annual, in-person workshops held at varying global locations to bring together our private community, to discuss all things Venus!
Online Member Portal - a password protected website for members to meet each other, connect and collaborate.

Guillermo Söhnlein
Founder & Chairman
Atlanta, USA
Guillermo has spent 20+ years at the intersection of technology innovation, "NewSpace" entrepreneurial ventures, and early-stage space investment. He has co-founded 7 for-profit ventures and 3 nonprofit organizations whilst also serving at the forefront of the global private space economy.
From launching the International Association of Space Entrepreneurs in 2003 and Space Angels Network in 2006 to his current work as an Advisor and Board Director to emerging space ventures in software, communications, satellite servicing, and supersonic travel, he has built a professional network of aerospace entrepreneurs, technologists, and investors around the world.

Dr. Khalid M. Al-Ali
Co-Founder & Board of Directors
Doha, Qatar
Khalid brings deep experience and expertise to his roles in various organizations, having spent much of his career in Silicon Valley.
He is the Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Senseta, the world leader in mission-critical data fusion, analytics and drone-powered solutions. He is the Co-Founder and Chairman of the Silicon Valley Space Business Roundtable (SVSBR). He was the Executive Director of the University of California Office for NASA Partnerships and the University Affiliated Research Center (UARC). He was the Science Advisor for the Office of the Center Director at NASA Ames Research Center (ARC) and was the principal investigator, project lead, and program visionary at NASA ARC and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL), on key projects involving advanced aircraft and spacecraft technologies, intelligent avionics, novel power systems, planetary rovers and robots, spacecraft, and intelligent exploratory vehicles for Lunar, Martian, and Antarctic missions.

Rohith Muhundan
Executive Director
London, UK
Rohith is the Executive Director at Humans2Venus Foundation (H2VF). He oversees all aspects of H2VF’s global business, working closely with the Founders and Board of Directors to determine strategic direction and execute towards all objectives. His key responsibilities span the following remits:
Executive – Rohith oversees all aspects of H2VF, including Finance and Legal.
Board – Rohith collaborates with the Board on all strategic matters and provides regular reports on H2VF’s activities.
Marketing – Rohith coordinates all branding and promotion, including marketing, social media, public and media relations, and sponsorship.
Content – Rohith coordinates all content creation, including videos, blogs, and podcasts.
Events – Rohith coordinates H2VF’s various live and online event series.
Community – Rohith is responsible for management and growth of H2VF’s global community of professionals.
Fundraising – Rohith supports the Board’s fundraising efforts.
Concurrently, Rohith works as a Management Consultant, specializing in corporate strategy and transformation.